Midland's Executive Chef Chris Roberts

Meet Chris Roberts, one of Maru Midland's passionate leaders.
As one of our longest standing employees in Midland, Chris has seen all sides of the restaurant in the various roles he has filled. Upon opening, Chris started as a busser, then became a host, before he found himself on the sushi line.
In addition to being a passionate, hard-working chef, Chris has an infectious energy and positivity about him. Chris radiates joy, which seeps into the relationships of those around him. We are grateful to have him on our team.
We asked Chris a few questions about his journey with Maru and life, and what inspires him, and here’s what he had to say:
Q: What led you to where you are today?
It was kind of being at the right place at the right time, as well as my motivation and ambitions that led me to where I am today.
I went to school for psychology originally, but after graduating I found myself having a personal passion in the kitchen that stemmed largely from my childhood. I was always fascinated by Asian cuisine. Watching Iron Chef (the original) with my family and experiencing the cuisine in-person became something rooted in my core at an early age. My parents were always trying to include me in dishes they made. I loved that becoming a chef was a skill that I could always build upon and hone my creative energy.
Q: What do you think is the most important thing for a chef to learn?
I think the most important thing for a chef to learn is creative inspiration. Inspiring other chefs to become the best they can be has always been one of my favorite parts of the job. Taking the path less traveled by was a mantra that spoke to me early on in my life. Showing others that they can do more and be more by being themselves through hard work is what it is all about. Making guests have that jaw dropping 'awe' moment when their food hits their table is the moment I live for!
Q: What accomplishment are you most proud of?
I am most proud of my personal growth as a chef and as an inspirational leader. I came from nothing and a shaky foundation. Rising up to the challenge to become who I am today is one of my proudest moments in life! Sharing my life with others and inspiring them to be their very best is what I live for.
Q: What do you love most about Maru?
The thing I love most about Maru is that I have the coolest job in the world. I work at a place where everyone feels like family and we can all be ourselves. Self expression through my work is part of that as well. Taking extra time out of my day to make someone else's day more special is what it's all about!
Q: Where do you look for inspiration?
I look for my inspiration in the people around me, as well as the many people I have come across in my life. I have to give a shout out to Michael Robertson, Marcia Lavier, Jackie McCullum, Pauline Orvosh, Edie Goik, Ryan Wabeke, Chef Moon, Robert Song, Kaylene Carlisle, and Thomas Rosanna! All these people have helped shape my leadership qualities and culinary skills. Also a special shout out to my family, for I would have nothing without them!
Be sure to stop into Maru Midland to say hello to Chef Chris, to eat his food and experience his warmth and hospitality. No doubt you'll leave feeling better than you arrived.